BKYA is a feature on this dumb blog wherein Jeff writes too much about a variety of his favorite beverage, Arnold Palmer Iced Tea Lemonade.
Bwoop, bwoop, bwoop. Oh oh, that's the Arnie alarm going off. We have a new Arnie flavor. I declare it Peach Arnie.
Bwoop, bwoop, bwoop. Uh, again with the alarm? Oh yeah we have a new Arnie size. 64 ounces. That's a nice size. It doesn't take up much room in the fridge.
When I first saw it, I thought it was the awful Redneck Arnie. The label looks similar. Then I saw it said Peach. It also says "sweet tea", so I guess it is a Peach version of Redneck Arnie. However, this has the same calories per serving as regular Arnie. Redneck Arnie has double the calories which is one reason why it is awful.
This one tastes pretty good. A little too sweet for me, but it's nice. I like it better than Diet Peach Snapple which is my preferred type of (diet) Snapple.
Jeff's Score*: 74
Varieties: 64 oz.
Availability: Low so far, but it's new
Stores: Roche Brothers
*Jeff's Score is a weighted score where Regular Arnie is a 90, Redneck Arnie is a 20, the one Skinny Arnie I had that tasted like metal is a 0
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