Saturday, April 14, 2012

Taco Bell Doritos Locos Tacos

I love Doritos. I don't buy them because I will just eat the whole bag. So when I heard Taco Bell had a new Dorito shell taco, I was so excited I rushed there two months later.

This is what I got:

I felt like having chicken, so I placed my order:

Me: "Umh, can I have one of those Doritos things with chicken"
Cashier: "Sure"
Manager (from the back): "That's one dollar extra!"
Me: "That's fine, I can swing it."

So I got the taco. It was $2.40. That's a big premium percentage for chicken. I took two bites and the thing disintegrated into a pile. I tasted no Doritos flavoring. I ended up throwing half of the taco away.

In other words, I was very disappointed.  The name of it is stupid too. I wish I had got a Meximelt instead. That's the best thing at Taco Bell.

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