Friday, June 22, 2012

Jeff Makes Bad Food: The Italian-American

Hey Jeff, you sure do take lots of pictures of sandwiches, don't you ever make sandwiches yourself? It's not rocket science, loser.

You are getting way too hostile, imaginary question person. But, yeah, I buy bread and put stuff between it occasionally. Here is a picture of one of my favorite home sandwiches, I call it the Italian-American:

It is Genoa Salami, American Cheese, and the toppings I happened to have in the fridge. In this case it was just lettuce, onions, and mustard. LOM. That was not the best combination of toppings, but whatevs, like you care. But, yeah, I love me some Genoa Salami, and any time I start to get snobbish about cheese, I always think, "hey, dummy, your favorite cheese is White American, get over yourself." I am very self-critical. I would get Genoa Salami more often, but Heather is never happy about it, complaining about nitrates and stuff. Because of her complaints, I usually get turkey at the deli, so you can look forward to a crappy turkey sandwich blog later. Oh, and also, nitrates are not a real thing.

In conclusion, I make crappy sandwiches. 

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