I went to a pub and was starving so I ordered the sausage meal. They said it would be 30 minutes. 6 minutes later it arrived. Minutes must be shorter here.
The description was Gloucestershire old spot sausage with mash, battered onion rings, rioja, red currant and rosemary au jus. Mash is mashed potatoes if you couldn't figure that out. I don't know what makes the sausages old spot, or Gloucestershire, but they were quite tasty.
Anyway, this one really hit the spot. I also had a couple beers.
Some bitter, and a Carling. Bitter is a type of beer I should say since I explained what mash is. I got the Carling because an actual cold beer sounded good. And it was on sale for £2.50. That's about it, I guess.