Hi. It was my 37th birthday on Sunday. 37 is kind of boring. 36 was 6 squared, so that was exciting. I guess 37 is a prime number, and it's been six years since the last prime number birthday, so there's that. Ah, you guys don't care about math, you want to see some food. First, since I took the photos, I should mention I always try to go to the closest Sox game to my birthday. This year it was two days before my birthday:
The tickets were front row in the bleachers. There was a big empty aisle in front of me so I was obsessed with the chance I could get a HR ball. The game was terrible, the Sox lost 2-0 to the Yankees and I didn't come close to a HR ball. Can this season just end already? Then the next night Heather and I saw Bloc Party at the House of Blues:
Concert photos with a phone are always bad.
Anyway, let's get to my birthday. I got to sleep in. I woke up around 7:45, but didn't get out of bed until 9am. That's sleeping in for me. Heather got me breakfast. So here comes the food, are you excited? Bam: