Saturday, January 19, 2013

Top Ten Needham Stories of 2012

I was writing a post about the Needham Times, which I should say I like a lot, again, and I really appreciate how it arrives magically in my driveway every Thursday. That post got way too long. In that post, I started writing about the Top Ten Stories of 2012 in Needham. I decided to make a separate post about it. So, here's the top 10 stories of 2012 per the Needham Times, followed by my comments in italics and then my list of top stories follows. I'm sorry if you read all of that, it was a waste of your time, I should have just got right to the list.

The Needham Times' Top Ten stories of 2012 (part 2 link is here):
1. Aly Raisman becomes Needham's Princess at the Olympics. Also, Needham native Sunita Williams goes to space (again!), commands the International Space Station, and sets records for the most number of spacewalks and total time spent on spacewalks.
So it's like a tie for first according to the Times. It's kind of strange to combine them. I would have split these up and made them #1 and #2. If you haven't seen it, here's Connor and I in the background of a news story about Needham's Princess:

I also happened to be in Needham Center when Aly returned to Needham. It involved helicopters, many policemen and lots of flags. Then later we went to the Rally for Aly which was fun. So, I'd put Aly #1 and Sunita #2. Yeah, commanding giant spaceships only ranks #2 on my list.

2. New senior center breaks ground.
This one doesn't interest me at all. 

3. Focus on fresh food. 
This one is really vague. I guess there's a farm stand and other places now sell healthy things. Umh, that's way too high on the list. I would put a loose bear higher than some healthier cookies. Yes, there's a bear coming up.

4. Cricket field controversy.
There's a field in Needham called Cricket Field. It is set up so you could play cricket on it. Cricket is a sport. They might tear the field down for a new school. Did you know Needham was at one point considered the Cricket Capital of New England. Also, did you know I was the Cricket Club President in high school? So I am firmly in the Save Cricket Field camp. This one is on my list, but a loose bear and a new convenience store are higher, as they should be.

5. N-STAR tree cutting plan.
I can't get interested in this one at all, it's off my list. Sorry trees.

6. Election 2012. Needham voted to allow alcohol sales.
If I want a six pack of beer, it will soon take me 5 minutes, instead of now I have to go to Newton which takes about 30 minutes roundtrip. This is #3 on my list, just behind a Needham astronaut flying around in space. Space! Like not on Earth.

7. 7-11 opens. 
I went there the day it opened and learned Double Gulps are $1.70 at this new location. Also, the new location doesn't have Diet Mountain Dew or sugar free Slurpees on tap. Fix, yo' stuff 7-11. Good thing the other Needham 7-11 has both of those things, and Double Gulps cost $1.50 there. Yes, I was very excited about a 7-11 opening, even though there was already one in Needham. 

8. Hurricane Sandy
We got really lucky during Hurricane Sandy. We never lost power, no water came in anywhere, and just a few branches came down, and we had a good time watching TV that night. It was a crazy storm to witness, but it would be pretty low on my personal list. Although, I think it should be higher on Needham's list. The Times has fresh food and possible tree cuttings ranked higher for some reason.

9. Olin College celebrates 10 years.
I have no snarky remarks about this one, it might make my list I guess.

10. Bear sighting in Needham
They have a loose bear at #10, eight spots behind senior center news. A bear was running around Needham, but more importantly you can now buy healthier cookies somewhere. 

OK, here is Jeff's Top Ten Needham Stories of 2012:
1. Aly Raisman becomes my favorite gymnast. Yes, now I have a favorite gymnast. 
2. Sunita Williams commands a space station. In space!
3. Needham enters the 20th century and allows beer to be sold to adults.
4. BEAR!
5. 7-11!
6. Cricket Field thingie. I was a terrible Cricket Club President I should mention.
7. Blue Ribbon opens a food truck in Needham. I like BBQ. Also a Subway opened, I'll just combine those two here, since it seems random combinations are fine in this list. 
8. Hurricane Sandy. This ended up at the same ranking as the Times. My apologies. 
9. Olin College. Heather and I heard they had good cafeteria food so we ate there once. It was pretty good, so it's number 9.
10. A Needham resident eats a Filet-o-Fish for the first time and decides to start a stupid blog. That's me!

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